
If you fulfil all the requirements and agree on the conditions, then you can simply apply by sending an email to / subject: application – international voluntary service.

Please send the following documents:

  • letter of motivation (possible to attach pictures)
  • CV (basic details and list of certificates & licences of sports, language, social engagement)
  • short video about yourself (read description below)

Please introduce yourself briefly and tell us about your aims of volunteering in Germany. This really helps to get to know you a bit and promote you to partnering organisations where you finally will serve as a volunteer. You can simply “selfie”-record yourself for 45 – 90 seconds or, if you are interested and want to show your talents in various fields, make a more professional video – but this is not a must!

We will then be happy come back to you!

If you have any questions regarding the services or the application, feel free to contact us via email.